The school receives an extra sum of money (Pupil Premium) for children who are entitled to Free School Meals, for those whose parents are in the Services and for those children who have been adopted.

In the financial year 2015/16 we are in receipt of £35,980 in Pupil Premium.

The money is being used to

  • continue to employ and train a Reading Recovery teacher
  • continue to employ our SENCo for an extra half day a week to plan, monitor and evaluate interventions
  • continue to pay for our ELSA
  • continue to employ and train a Learning Support Assistant to deliver '1st Class @ Number' maths intervention
  • train and employ a teaching assistant to deliver the 'Boosting Reading Potential' programme
  • train staff in and resource  'Building Learning Power'
  • buy 'Language Link' for the screening of children in Speech and Language and to plan and monitor interventions, and to train and employ staff to use this
  • train and employ staff to deliver interventions such as Precision Teaching, and the Narrative Approach to accelerate literacy skills
  • buy the 'Booster Phonics' programme and train and employ staff to deliver it

As a result children entitled to Free School Meals and from Service backgrounds who will left this school in 2015 attained an average point score of 16.9, which above the average point score of all children nationally for 2015 (16.1).