Our Local Governing Bodies provide local, valuable and focussed governance for all of our schools.
For full information about each Local Governing Body, please follow the links listed below.
Further information on each of our Chair of Governors is below
Local Governing Body

Chris Wright
Chair of Governors - Burtonwood Community Primary School
Chris has been a member of the Burtonwood Community Primary School Local Governing Body since 2007 and was appointed Chair in 2022. Chris has vast experience in education, with his career spanning over 37 years, both as a Maths & IT secondary school teacher and Head of a 6th Form college. Chris brings knowledge and experience of school improvement strategies, curriculum impact and data analysis to both Burtonwood Primary School and Omega Multi-Academy Trust.

Heather Da Luz
Chair of Governors - Chapelford Village Primary School
Heather has been a member of Chapelford Village Primary School Local Governing Body since 2010 and was appointed as Chair in 2021. Heather has previously worked as a Project Manager on large European Funded projects most recently at the University of Manchester and currently works as the Finance Officer for a laser engineering company specialising in research and exports to China as well as running her own craft supply business. Heather has an intrinsic understanding of Chapelford Primary School both from a governance and parental perspective. She has outstanding knowledge of the primary progression and with her strong knowledge in finance, she is the lead Governor for maths for all years across the school. Heather brings her expertise and knowledge of Ofsted inspections, school improvement strategies and monitoring and evaluation to Chapelford Village Primary School and Omega Multi-Academy Trust.

Danielle Preston
Chair of Governors -Great Sankey High School
Danielle joined Great Sankey High School Governing Body in October 2017 and was appointed as Chair in 2020. Danielle has had roles in business development and account management for multinational companies and is currently a Contract Director for a global supply chain and distribution company, responsible for the management and governance of key defence contracts. Danielle brings a wealth of skills and knowledge, including negotiation and strategic relationship management, contract governance, business planning and implementation/execution of improvement plans to both to Great Sankey High School and Omega Multi-Academy Trust.

Pauline Crosthwaite
Chair of Governors - Park Road Community Primary School
Pauline joined Park Road Community Primary School Governing Body in 2017 and was appointed Chair in 2021. Pauline worked in corporate environments for nearly 20 years, mainly in financial services and with a focus on data and analytics. In 2021 she re-trained as a psychotherapist and now runs her own practice. Pauline brings a range of skills and knowledge including leadership and strategy development, data management, protection and analysis, project management, and a deep passion for and understanding of the importance of wellbeing to Park Road Primary School and Omega Multi-Academy Trust.

Jen Tinsley
Chair of Governors - Westbrook Old Hall Primary School
Jen has a long standing and fond association with Westbrook Old Hall Primary School, having attended the school as a child. Her children now attend the school which has culminated in her desire to stand as a Parent Governor in which she was elected in 2021.
In her professional life, Jen works as a private client solicitor based at a solicitors in Warrington. She regularly works with local people and companies assisting with various legal issues primarily including Wills, Probates, Powers of Attorney, Trusts and Court of Protection.
Jen brings can use her position as a parent, local girl and ex-student coupled with her professional skills set to contribute towards the school at the centre of the community.